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Drupal is user-friendly system and this makes it popular with not only web-visitors, but also web-editors. They don’t have to spend their precious time with searching a confused interface. Drupal is intuitive and its behavior is easy to predict. Editors and webmasters can stay focused on what they do best – copywriting and site editing.

You surely know it. You see the code created by your predecessor and after the first attempt to understand it, you get desperate. Drupal´s developers fight against such “creativity” by using Code Standards. They assembled series of important rules for the right syntax and good readability of the code. More on:

If you are focused on complex projects, SASS is your smart helpmate. SASS is CSS pre-processor and CSS development is much faster, compact and sophisticated.

Among of its main functions are:

  1. Variables- if you want to change colour of 15 components, you don't have to search for 15 CSS selectors, you simply rewrite the value of a variable.

  2. Nesting- Do you do dislike endless selectors, which mostly contain the selector of element's parent? Use nesting.

  3. Partials- create CSS partials which you can insert into other files. That is how you ensure modularity and structure.

  4. Operators - they allow you to set up mathematical expressions into the CSS values.

  5. Mixins- you surely know the CSS3 expressions which are different for every browser. This function integrates them into one writing – for example:

  6. @mixin border-radius($radius) {
      -webkit-border-radius: $radius;
         -moz-border-radius: $radius;
          -ms-border-radius: $radius;
              border-radius: $radius;
    .box { @include border-radius(10px); }


EXTEND/INHERIT- enables to define basic set-up of the element.

There are lots of modules to operate forms (the best-known is Webform in Drupal, but it also has two more useful functions. Hooks hook_form_alter and hook_form_validate allows you to automatically adapt generated forms by Drupal and simultaneously provides their special validation. 

Drupal has more than one million of registered fans. They are very helpful, they answer questions, recommend suitable solutions, correct mistakes in modules, design new features. Moreover, a DrupalCon conference is organized twice or three times a year. It is a great opportunity for everyone who loves Drupal. You can meet a number of people, discuss problems and get many informations. And last, but not least, you can take the next step in your career.

Web without visitors - that is nonsense. Drupal has many tools to support the searchability of the site. For example: automatic generation of supporting attributes, URL address, meta tags, canonical URL, subtitles. Of course, we provide the correct semantics of websites. Advanced users can play with the SEO set up of websites with news or with various rules for different languages versions.    

Web administrators usually like to know what happens on their pages. Drupal supports log functions for wide range of events.

You can easily see error news (error 403,404), content records and user´s activities. Administrators are able to identify causes of problems much faster. 

Google Analytics became standard for monitoring the behaviour of Internet users. The connection between GA and Drupal speeds up the work. You can view statistics on our web and you have more opportunities to get the information from Google Analytics.