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The community develops new versions of Drupal. It organizes regular conferences, provides advises and answers questions.


  1. Uses Symfony2 framework

  2. OOP access are integrated into the core

  3. REST web service

  4. PHPunit tests

  5. Smaller Drupal´s core, division of some modules

  6. Native responsive design

  7. HTML 5 structure

  8. Better partition of configuration data and other content

  9. Superior user interface 

Drupal creatores cares about its security. Specialized security team was established with main purposes to keep look at the threats and solve them. Therefore all Drupal websites are safe in any time.

Modularity is the greatest advantage of Drupal. It is very flexible system. Thanks to the large community and GPL GNU licence, it is possible to use extended collections of available tested modules. 

If you are going down the river, the hook is probably not very popular, but in Drupal´s world it is the essential basis of everything.

The core browse progressively through the list of hooks and considers every permitted module to “hook up” if this module implements the hook. You can imagine the particular hook as an event, for example, deleting of the user. Hook shows how the Drupal´s core servers all modules. If there is the order (display the page, store the element, delete the file..), the core browse through the list of hooks and the module has a chance to hook up. The hook is implemented by this module. You can imagine the particular hook as an event. The Drupal´s core has a number of such hooks (the list here) but you have the possibility to implement your own hook to work with events important for your application. 

Media rule the world and Drupal rules the media! Creating galleries, pictures editing, drag and drop recording, inserting videos from various providers, audio recorders, exports to RSS, even the Internet radio broadcast module. Add the cooperation with social nets, content evaluation modules and you can create your own media portal using Drupal. Drupal is really good at that! 

Web administrators usually like to know what happens on their pages. Drupal supports log functions for wide range of events.

You can easily see error news (error 403,404), content records and user´s activities. Administrators are able to identify causes of problems much faster.